Senin, 09 Juni 2008

CURRICULUM VITAE Mindawati Perangin angin

CURRICULUM VITAE Mindawati Perangin angin

Name: Mindawati Perangin-angin

Place and date of born: Medan, 3 October 1963

Email address:

Job and Service Experiences:

1983-6 Board member of Youth Division of United Churches of Indonesia (PGI)

1983-7 Board member of Indonesian Young Christian Movement (GAMKI)

1984-86 Student Senate member of Jakarta Seminary, Indonesia (STT

1992-4 President of International Students Drew University, Madison, NJ, USA

1995-96 Associate Sales at Gucci America

1997-1999 Lecturer at Satya Wacana Graduate School and Seminary

1998-2005 Member of Advisory Committee of Inter-Faith Dialogue of the
World Council of Churches (WCC)

1999-2000 Treasurer of Asian Theologians Conference

2000 Chair person of ATESEA Accreditation Team to Seminaries in Malaysia

2000 Organizer for Asian Theological Students Conference

2000-2002 Director of the Graduate Studies Program at Abdi Sabda Seminary, Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia

2000- 05 Head of Ecumenical/International Bureau of the Karo Batak Protestant Church Indonesia

2000- Now- Member of Dialogue between the World Alliance Reformed
Churches (WARC) and the Lutheran World Federation (LWF)

2005-10 Moderator of Faith, Mission and Unity of the Churches
Conference of Asia (CCA) / Dewan Gereja Asia

2005-10 Chairperson of Personnel, Human Resources Development and
Ecumenical/International Relations of the Karo Batak Protestant Church (GBKP)

2006-13 Member of Central Committee of the World Council of Churches
(Dewan Gereja Dunia)


1987 Sarjana Theologia/BD Equivalent- Jakarta Seminary, Jakarta, Indonesia

1990 Sacred Theological Master (STM), Union Theological Seminary, NYC, USA

1994 M.Phil, Drew University, Madison, NJ, USA

1997 PhD, Drew University, Madison, NJ, USA
Dissertation: The Interrelationships of Human, Plant and Animal As Presented in the Hebrew Bible.

Interests: Reading, Singing and Gardening

Meetings, Conferences and Assemblies:

Switzerland, Bossey, 3 months in 1987, to participate in the Bible Study Course.
2 weeks in 2000, to participate in the conference on the Future of Ecumenical Leadership.

The Netherlands, the Hendrik Kramer Institute, 1997. A month meeting on
The Dialogue between Christian and Jews.

New York, Union Theological Seminary, 1999. To participate in a
Conference on African American and the Bible.

Bangalore, India, 1999. A gathering of Asian Theologians, were organized by CCA, ATESEA and the Catholic Institutions in Asia.

Switzerland, Monte Verita, 2000. To participate in the conference on Feminist and the Bible.

Chiang-Mai, Thailand, 2000. One of the Presenters for A meeting on Globalization was organized by Churches Conference of Asia (CCA).

Manila, The Philippines, 2000, one of the Presenters for Atesea and Amity Foundation’s meeting on The People of God.

South Korea, 2000, World Council of Churches (WCC) and Churches Conference of Asia (CCA) on Asian Women Theologians Conference.

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2000. As an organizer to gather Asian Theological Students.

Malaysia, Kinibalu, Seremban, 2000. Doing an accreditation for all ATESEA’s
Seminaries, was organized by ATESEA.

Jerusalem, Israel, 2001. A meeting on Inter- Faith was organized by Elijah Institute, Israel.

Ohio, USA, 2001. As Asian representative for WARC (World Alliance Reformed Churches), to participate in the conversation on Justification by Faith. It was organized by the Lutheran World Federation and Vatican (The Catholic Church)

Bielefeld, Germany, 2002. Attending Church with A Future Conference was organized by The Westphalian Synod, Germany.

Buenos Aires, April 2003, a meeting on Economics and Ecology organized by
World Alliance Reformed Churches (WARC)

South Korea, 2003, As one of the presenters for the International Institute on Peace Education (IIPE) meeting, organized by UNESCO

Claremont, USA, 2004, as one of the presenters for the Theorizing Scriptures Conference organized by the Claremont Graduate School, USA

Accra, Ghana, 2004, Attending the General Assembly of the World Alliance Reformed Churches (WARC)

Melbourne, Australia, 2004, as one of the presenter for the Australian and Pacific Women Theologians Meeting.

Claremont, USA, 2005, as a visiting scholar at the Claremont Graduate University’s Institute for Signifying Scriptures.

Chiangmai, Thailand, 2005, Attending the General Assembly of the Churches Conference of Asia (CCA)

Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Attending a meeting on the World Trade Organization, organized by the Churches Conference of Asia (CCA)

Geneva, Switzerland, 2005, Preparation for HIV-Aids material for the Lutheran World Federation.

Porto Alegre, Brazil, 2006, Attending the General Assembly of the World Council of Churches

Taipeh, Taiwan, Maret 2006, The CCA Meeting
Hong Kong, Hongkong, July 2006, Conference on Asian Theologians.

Hong Kong, Hong Kong, July 2006, Pembentukan Asian Biblical Society.

Geneva, Switzerland, 2006, a Meeting on Creation and Mission Conference. organized by The John Knox Centre Geneva and the WARC.
Utrecht, The Netherlands, 1-11 July 2006, Meeting on the Dialogue between The World Alliance of Reformed Churches and the Lutheran World Federation.
Geneva, Switzerland, 1-11 September 2006, the Central Committee meeting of the World Council of Churches
Windhoek, Namibia, Agustus 2007, The Dialogue between the Reformed and the Lutheran.

Bielefeld, Germany, November 2007, Sebagai wakil dari Westphalian Church’s partners Churches, menghadiri Westphalian Synod Meeting.

Bangladesh, 30 Agustus-6 September, 2008, Revitalisasi Gerakan Ekumene di Asia dan Dunia, organized by The WCC (Dewan Gereja Dunia) and the CCA (Dewan Gereja Asia).

Buenos Aires, Argentina, Oktober 1-6 2008 Dialog antara Reformed Sedunia dan Lutheran sedunia

Cambridge, United Kingdom, Oktober 11-16, 2008, A Meeting on The Common Words- organized by the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Cambridge University
Jewish Theological Seminary, New York, USA, November 2008, Colloqium Biblicum Biblical Scholars Princeton, Harvard, Boston, Andovernewton, Union Theological Seminary, Columbia University, Jewish Theological seminary.

New York, USA, 17-21 November, 2008, United Nations Advocacy Week, organized by the WCC (Dewan Gereja Sedunia) and The United Nation (PBB).

Augsburg, Germany, 25 Maret- 1 April 2009, Pertemuan Theolog Lutheran Se Dunia.

9 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

ckckck... kiranya menggugah generasi berikut kita utk tidak berhenti belajar

Anonim mengatakan...

Jangan pernah lelah melayani di GBKP. Soli Deo Gloria

Anonim mengatakan...

Senang melihat blog ini. Senang juga membaca CV-nya. Selamat bekerja di ladang Tuhan. Semua untuk kemuliaan-Nya... Salam dari Yunani.

Barang Rongsokan mengatakan...

Hmmmm , good work , good job ..
senang membaca isi blog ini , kiranya bisa juga membawa GBKP ke arah yg tidak exlusive yang hanya untuk orang karo , kiranya GBKP terbuka untuk semua orang .....karena ini dasarnya sebuah gereja .... dan gereja Tuhan terbuka buat semua orang.

Selamat Berkarya di ladang Tuhan.
Salam dari Jakarta,
Ferry Tarigan.

Anonim mengatakan...

Maju terus Pendeta. Kami mendokan Pendeta agar banyak kemajuan di GBKP.

Anonim mengatakan...

Bu Pendeta bagus nih blognya, bisa nambah wawasan bagi saya yang awam ini. Seandainya, ini seandainya... Kalo usul saya, ibu jadi calonkan Ketua Moderamen periode yad, gimana Bu? Bukan KKN lho...

Anonim mengatakan...

ada beberapa komentar nikh buk buat cv ibu, ada pulak yang nyerempet soal 2010, awas buk, jangan direspons! ibuk diam saja udah babak belur.

Anonim mengatakan...

Syaloom Pendeta.
I see the blog, maybe pendeta bisa jadi "ketum" mod yad, but you must pray to the God,i will to do it. Thx . IbreNa.

Anonim mengatakan...

Di manakah Pendeta sekarang? Kami rindu mendengar suara Pendeta di GBKP. MT