Kamis, 25 Desember 2008
Pertanyaan ini ditujukan kepada kita semua warga GBKP. GBKP yang bersistem presbyterial sinodal, memandatkan para presbyter sebagai pengemudi. Para presbiter yang adalah gabungan dari pilihan Allah berdasarkan pangilan (para pendeta) dan pilihan jemaat per-sektor (para pertua dan diaken) yang diberkati Alah. Sama seperti Allah sipencipta dan siempunya dunia serta isinya, dan manusia diberi mandat sebagai pemelihara, sehingga manusia diciptakan dalam image of God. Begitu juga dalam sistem presbyterial sinodal para presbyter diberi mandat oleh Kristus untuk meng-arti-kan gereja di konteksnya. Kesemuanya itu berarti bahwa peran sipemegang mandat adalah temporal dan harus mempertanggung jawabkannya kepada pemiliknya. Siempunya berhak kapan saja mengambil ke-mandat-an yang diberikanNya, bergantung dari analisa, pilihan dan hak kebebasanNya. Sipenerima mandat haruslah bersyukur dan melaksanakan mandat dengan sukacita tanpa terikat akan status dan jangka kemandatan.
GBKP quo vadis? Mau kemanakah engkau GBKP? Pertanyaan yang harus secara serius kita cermati, dengan menganalisa apa yang telah dilakukan selama tahun 2008 dan apa yang akan dilakukan di tahun 2009. Analisa dan rancangan ke depan haruslah melibatkan data hasil sejak tahun 2005, karena pola kerja kita adalah dalam siklus lima tahunan dengan acuan GBP serta kemampuan dalam menjawab dan mengisi kebutuhan konteks kita. Jadi acuan kita adalah GBP yang sudah dirancang untuk lima tahun dan bagaimana kita menjawab roh zaman dalam konteks lokal, nasional dan internasional.
Berdasarkan itu, jika menoleh kebelakang, kalau kita mau jujur, bukankah repentance yang harus dilakukan, agar di tahun 2009 ini, kita bisa melangkah dengan kesegaran baru dan pasti ? Manusia baru tidak akan pernah terwujud jika tidak didahului oleh penyesalan dan pertobatan (syub- bahasa ibrani). Bukankah kita belum memaksimalkan kemampuan dan waktu kita dalam menyikapi pekerjaan kita? Sehingga bisa dikatakan bahwa kinerja kerja belumlah maksimal.Bukankah waktu secara umum lebih banyak habis untuk mencari cari kesalahan orang lain, kelelahan menghadapi energy negatif yang tersebar karena iri dan kurangnya penampakan pola pikir yang positif dan membangun? Pembunuhan karakter dilakukan secara cekuraki bahkan institusi. Kinerja kerja, konsep-konsep pemikiran tentang pembenahan dan pembenahan itu sendiri, diskusi-diskusi teologia dianggap hal yang sia-sia, membuang waktu dan dana, bahkan dianggap mengancam kemapanan ideologi dan kuasa yang ada, bagepe terakap. Perhatian difokuskan kepada berapa dan apa yang didapat orang lain, bukan mensyukuri berapa dan apa yang didapat sendiri. Yang muda yang baru tahu sedikit dengan pengalaman lokal, berbicara dan menulis tanpa arti dengan tidak mengindahkan kaidah dan etika. Yang telah berusia tidak mampu menjadi anutan, sibuk dengan diri sendiri, mencuci tangan, bahkan menjadi dalang dalam permainan. GBKP quo vadis? Let the church be the church. Biarlah gereja tetap menjadi gereja. Gereja bukan partai politik juga bukan LSM.
Siapa yang meratap melihat penurunan angka pengunjung kebaktian minggu, PJJ, Pekan-Pekan dan PA, PA? Apa dan sudah sampai dimana program kerja Runggun, Klasis dan Moderamen untuk mempersiapkan warganya mandiri dalam
menyikapi gelombang kepelbagaian ajaran dan cara gereja dan agama lain sehingga tidak ada lagi dual keanggotaan gereja, atau bahkan dual keagamaan (Kristen dan sipemena)
krisis ekonomi yang mendampakkan penambahan pengangguran dan langkanya lahan pekerjaan bagi kaum muda
pergeseran lahan pertanian menjadi perumahan disaat kita belum siap hidup dalam era industri yang mengglobal (hancurnya tekstur tanah, ketergantungan pada pupuk yang langka, perubahan iklim global, kecanggihan bio-technology dinegara maju menghasilkan produk yang lebih besar, lebih bagus dan lebih murah dari produk pertanian kita)
pergeseran pemukiman orang karo yang berdampak kepada peta dan pola pelayanan GBKP?
Berdasarkan poin b,c dan d di atas maka akan ada pergeseran system ekonomi yang tidak bisa dilepas pisahkan dari politik
Poin b,c dan d bukan hanya menjadi masalah GBKP tapi masalah semua gereja di Selatan (South/Negara berkembang), poin a dan e adalah masalah gereja di seluruh dunia. Diseluruh dunia, Gereja utama (mainline churches) seperti GBKP sudah sepi pengunjung, yang semarak adalah yang di Amerika disebut mega church, dan gereja-gereja bernuansa karismatik dan pentakosta. Mengapa begini? Ini adalah dampak dari globalisasi yang merupakan factor ekonomi yang berdampak dan berasal dari keberadaan politik G7 yang mulai mempertimbangkan keberadaan G20, dan diharapkan dengan krisis ekonomi yang melanda Amerika kini mampu menobatkan Amerika dengan presidennya yang baru, kita doakan. Kini faktor psikologis sangat mempengaruhi spiritualitas. Sehingga seharusnyalah mainline churches mampu membuat agar konsep teologis yang dikatakan di-imani bisa tertulis dihati, sehingga terjadi kesatuan yang utuh antara teologis, psikologis dan spiritual, yang dimunculkan dalam etika. Sebenarnya ini adalah inti mandat GBP pada kita.
Pembenahan penghasilan dan fasilitas dalam gereja haruslah didahulukan oleh pembenahan pelayanan. Apakah para presbiter telah memberikan yang terbaik yang dimilikinya dalam mewujudkan mandatnya? Apakah para presbiter masih mengimani bahwa jika melayani lebih sungguh tidak akan kekurangan? Kriteria apa yang diadopsi para presbiter dalam menjalani kehidupannya, dunia atau Kristus? Bisakah manusia yang hidup dalam roh dikuasai oleh kedagingannya? Etika Yesus tidak kompromi, ini atau itu (either/or). Kristus siempunya gereja lulus dalam ketertarikan gemerlap dunia (Mat 4:1-11; Mrk 1:12-13; Luk 4:1-13), sehingga jika Kristus satu dengan Bapa bukankah para prebiter satu dengan Kristus? “Sama seperti Engkau telah mengutus Aku ke dalam dunia, demikian pula Aku telah mengutus mereka ke dalam dunia, dan Aku menguduskan diriKu bagi mereka, supaya merekapun dikuduskan dalam kebenaran (Yoh 17:18-19)”. Bukankah tidak selayaknya para presbiter mengantagoniskan lahan pelayanan basah/kering; desa/kota dan penuh/paruh waktu? Melayani adalah untuk melayani itu sendiri. Sebagai bentuk kesukacitaan atas pemberian mandat tadi. Arti dan dampak melayani di gereja adalah paradoks dengan pengertian fungsi sebagai hamba status sebagai pemimpin, suatu integrasi yang manis yang hanya mampu dilakukan jika mandat diamini berdasarkan panggilanNya, sehingga ke-aku-an melebur dalam essence Kristus yang lahir di palungan, datang dalam status hamba yang tiada pernah tergiur akan kuasa (power) dunia. Kegagalan pelayanan oleh para presbiter adalah karena kurangnya atau tiadanya aspek panggilan, sehingga pekerjaan dilakukan hanya sekedarnya, tanpa menyadari visi Yesus dan perannya sebagai teman sekerja yang kini adalah pewujud dari kerajaan Allah di dunia ini.
Karena bentuk GBKP adalah presbyterial sinodal dan bukan congregational maka hendaklah pemilihan dan penangkuhan dilakukan dengan lebih seksama dan memberdayakan roh kudus yang telah diberikan pada kita. Disinilah peran pembaca sebagai anggota jemaat. Kemampuan dan roh kudus telah diberikan Allah pada kita, tinggal bagaimana kita memberdayakan itu dalam kehidupan kita sebagai pribadi, anggota keluarga, gereja dan masyarakat. Yang lalu biarlah berlalu, tidak perlu kita panggul bahkan mewarisinya, Beranilah kita memulai sesuatu yang baru, dengan sikap yang baru, cara kerja yang baru. Bagaimanapun perubahan pola tindak dan ucap harus didasarkan oleh perubahan pola pikir. Beranilah untuk memulai berpikir, merenung, menganalisa, mengkonsep, bervisi, dan kemudian diwujudkan dalam program-program pribadi, runggun, klasis dan moderamen. Sesakit apapun hasil analisa kita akan yang lalu, tapi itu sudah menyadarkan kita untuk memulai sesutau yang baru. Inilah yang disebut proses men-deconstruct- agar mampu untuk me-reconstruct. Jika kita tidak mau sakit, tidak mau malu, tidak mau konflik, tidak mau menyakiti hati, tidak mau dibenci, tidak berani menambil keputusan yang tidak popular, ini artinya kita tidur. Yang ada adalah rutinisasi, itupun tanpa analisa dan arah yang jelas. Roh zaman yang berkembang tanpa bisa dihengkang, membuat kita harus mampu berubah dan menjawabnya dengan tetap sebagai gereja.
Change, we need, Yes, you can, slogan Barack Obama dalam pertarungannya dalam pemilihan presiden Amerika selama tahun lalu. Ia berhasil dalam memenangi pemilihan itu. Bukan hanya karena kemampuannya sebagai ahli hukum tamatan Harvard, tapi juga karena pemilihnya menginginkan perubahan. Perubahan akan maksimal jika dilakukan secara bersama. Tidak hanya oleh presiden, kongres dan senat, tapi juga seluruh rakyat. Rakyat walau telah menyuarakan suaranya dalam pemilihan umum, tapi juga tetap berperan terus dalam kehidupan Negara, sebagai bagian dari civil society. Begitu juga anggota jemaat GBKP. Walau telah menyuarakan suaranya dalam pemilihan para pertua dan diaken, tapi suaranya haruslah bergema terus melalui: sidang ngawan, persekutuan kategorial, PJJ, PA-PA, persekutuan professional. Biarlah suara ini tidak hanya menembus dinding gereja tapi juga pemerintah, karena anggota GBKP juga bagian dari civil society. Mulailah dengan menggunakan hak anda sebagai anggota jemaat dan sebagai warga Negara. Salah satu faktor kemenangan Obama ialah mulainya tumbuh kesadaran politik dari orang orang yang selama ini apatis terhadap pemerintah dari segala golongan umur. Mereka sadar bahwa hak pilih mereka memberikan kontribusi bagi arah Negara. Begitu juga warga GBKP hak kita sebagai anggota jemaat dan warga Negara, memberikan kontribusi bagi arah GBKP dan pemerintah. Jadi jika ada pertanyaan GBKP quo vadis? Maka jawabannya adalah dari kita semua, angota jemaat dan para presbiter. Biarlah tahun 2009 ini kita mulai dengan semangat baru, yaitu semangat perubahan, yang diawali dari perubahan pola pikir yang terwujud dalam pola ucap,tindak dan program, secara pribadi, runggun, klasis dan moderamen. Selamat Tahun baru 2009.
Minggu, 16 November 2008
Tragedi palungan
Alkisah tertera di New York Times, “Palungan tempat Yesus dilahirkan ditawar dengan harga pembukaan sebesar 2 Milyar di lelang Christie di
Palungan dulu, kumal tak berharga, balok kayu bersegi empat, di kandang domba, berbau kotoran dan penuh bulu. Palungan kini, kotak berlapis emas murni, di hotel, berbau harum, berlebur santap, hirup dan tawa, masuk dalam bursa dunia.
Palungan yang hina dan dina, kini simbol status dan kuasa. Palungan dan Golgota sasaran empuk manipulasi orang-orang berdaya.
Subjek telah menjadi objek.
Yesus kesepian kini.
Makna kehidupan dan ajaranNya jauh panggang dari api. Tafsiran bermuara kekesenangan diri atau kelompok, status, kuasa dan harta. Isi pencobaan yang telah dilaluiNya sebelum memulai masa pelayanan (Luk 4:1-13; Mat 4:1-13; Mar 1:12-13). Kini, Gereja dan petugasnya tidak lagi berdialektikal. Seperti minyak dan air. Gereja milik Kristus, petugas milik dunia (band. Yoh 8:23).
Jangan salahkan politikus. Kepentingan adalah ideologinya. Jika Yesus politikus, Golgota tidak pernah ada. Politikus bermain diantara bidak gereja yang penuh dengan Judas dan
“jangan kamu membuat rumah Bapa-Ku menjadi tempat berjualan." (Yoh 2:16b)
Berpuluh tahun yang lalu, PGI (Persekutuan Gereja-Gereja di Indonesia) sudah memandatkan agar gereja-gereja di Indonesia untuk mandiri dalam dana (lih.
Siapa dan apa sebenarnya yang diuntungkan ketika Natal dan acara-acara gereja disubsidi pemerintah, orang kaya atau berpangkat? None! Tak ada! Ketika religiositas dimanipulasi, setiap orang semakin kehilangan diri. Manusia dan gereja semakin kehilangan essence-nya. Mengenal Allah dan sesama manusia melalui cinta, menjadi utopia, polesan bibir sebagai propaganda.
Ibadah menjadi permainan topeng monyet.. Konser gegap gempita, kotbah merindingkan bulu roma, gedung penuh cahaya, gincu, minyak rambut dan baju pesta, “Najis!”
TUHAN berkata, "Aku benci dan muak melihat perayaan-perayaan agamamu! Sungguh, apabila kamu mempersembahkan kepada-Ku korban-korban bakaran dan korban-korban sajianmu, Aku tidak suka, dan korban keselamatanmu berupa ternak yang tambun, Aku tidak mau pandang. Kalau kamu membawa kurban bakaran dan kurban gandum, Aku tidak akan menerimanya. Aku tak mau menerima binatang-binatangmu yang gemuk-gemuk itu yang kamu persembahkan kepada-Ku sebagai kurban perdamaian. Jauhkanlah dari pada-Ku keramaian nyanyian-nyanyianmu, lagu gambusmu tidak mau Aku dengar. Hentikan nyanyian-nyanyianmu yang membisingkan itu; Aku tak mau mendengarkan permainan kecapimu. Tetapi biarlah keadilan bergulung-gulung seperti air dan kebenaran seperti sungai yang selalu mengalir." Lebih baik, berusahalah supaya keadilan mengalir seperti air, dan kejujuran seperti sungai yang tak pernah kering. (Amos 5: 21-24)
Desember sebagai bulan
“Karena begitu besar kasih Allah akan dunia ini, sehingga Ia telah mengaruniakan Anak-Nya yang tunggal, supaya setiap orang yang percaya kepada-Nya tidak binasa, melainkan beroleh hidup yang kekal” (Yoh 3:16).
Hanya orang yang percaya yang tidak binasa. Tidak binasa bukan berarti tidak mati, tapi hidup dalam kehidupan, bukan hidup tapi mati. Bukan melek tapi buta. Bukan bertelinga tapi tuli. Orang yang tidak binasa adalah yang menikmati hidup. Bersyukur akan segala sesuatu. Bersyukur dengan dirinya, pekerjaannya, keluarganya, rumahnya.
Percaya nampak dalam tindakan. Percaya pada pencipta dan diri sendiri. Melangkah dengan pasti, Optimis dan berpengharapan. Hari ini harus lebih baik dari kemaren, dan esok semakin lebih baik dari hari ini.
"Jikalau kamu tetap dalam firman-Ku, kamu benar-benar adalah murid-Ku.” …”dan kamu akan mengetahui kebenaran, dan kebenaran itu akan memerdekakan kamu." (Yoh 8:31-2).
Palungan menampung tangis, duka, sesal, murka, keputus asaan, kegagalan, kehinaan, dan menawarkan kelegaan dan asa, karena pencipta mengasihi kita. Palungan mengisyaratkan: there is always a way out!
Selamat Menyambut Bulan
Mindawati Perangin angin
A Common Word for A Common Good,
A Common Word for A Common Good, Pertemuan para Pemimpin Agama dan Intelektual Kristen dan Islam,
Dampak peristiwa 11 September 2001 mengucilkan umat Islam khususnya dinegara-negara “kulit putih-Kristen (Barat).” Mendapat visa untuk memasuki Negara mereka bagi para lelaki usia aktif dari negara yang berbau Islam, amat susah. Negara “kulit putih” di seluruh dunia memperketat peraturan keimigrasian mereka serta mulai menangkapi orang-orang yang statusnya tidak jelas untuk dipulangkan kenegaranya. Warga
Untuk tidak memperpanjang bencana yang bermuara kekehancuran dunia yang kita diami, maka 138 pemimpin agama dan intelektual Islam berkumpul untuk mencari jalan keluar, hasilnya adalah surat terbuka (An Open Letter and Call from Muslim Religious Leaders) tertanggal 13 Oktober 2007, yang ditujukan untuk para pemimpin kristen di dunia, antara lain
His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI,
His Beatitude Theodoros II, Pope and Patriarch of
His Beatitude Ignatius IV, Patriarch of
His Beatitude Theophilos III, Patriarch of the
His Beatitude Alexy II, Patriarch of
His Beatitude Pavle, Patriarch of
His Beatitude Daniel, Patriarch of
His Beatitude Maxim, Patriarch of
His Beatitude Ilia II, Archbishop of Mtskheta-Tbilisi, Catholicos-Patriarch of All
His Beatitude Chrisostomos, Archbishop of
His Beatitude Christodoulos, Archbishop of
His Beatitude Sawa, Metropolitan of
His Beatitude Anastasios, Archbishop of Tirana, Duerres and All
His Beatitude Christoforos, Metropolitan of the Czech and
Apostolic Throne of St. Mark,
His Beatitude Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians,
His Beatitude Ignatius Zakka I, Patriarch of
Universal Syrian Orthodox Church,
His Holiness Mar Thoma Didymos I, Catholicos of the East on the Apostolic Throne of St.
Thomas and the Malankara Metropolitan,
His Holiness Abune Paulos, Fifth Patriarch and Catholicos of
St. Tekle Haymanot, Archbishop of Axium,
the East,
Rev. Mark S. Hanson, Presiding Bishop of the
President of the Lutheran World Federation,
Rev. George H. Freeman, General Secretary, World Methodist Council,
Rev. David Coffey, President of the Baptist World
Rev. Setri Nyomi, General Secretary of the World
And Leaders of Christian Churches, everywhere…
Garis besar
Pertemuan dibuka dengan Opening Lectures yang dibawakan oleh Archbishop Rowan Williams and Grand Mufti Ali Gomaa dan respons dari Gregorios III and H.E. Shaykh Prof Dr Mustafa Ceric. Kemudian Prof. Dr Allamah ‘Mohammad Said’ Malla Al-Buti membawakan tentang dampak setahunnya A Common Word. Tentang The Significance of A Common Word dibawakan oleh Prof. Miroslav Volf; Dr Ibrahim Kalin. ‘A Common Word for the Common Good’ yang diproposkan oleh Archbishop of Canterbury dalam responnya kepada surat terbuka ini dibawakan oleh Rt Revd Dr Josiah Idowu-Fearon; Ayatollah Prof. Dr Seyyed Mostafa Damad; Rt Revd Michael Nazir-Ali dan Prof. Dr Ingrid Mattson. Mengenai Qur’an and Bible in Muslim-Christian Engagement dibawakan oleh Shaykh Al-Habib Omar Ban Hafedh. Qur’an and Hadith Scriptural Interpretations dibawakan oleh Professor Frances Young; Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad; Dr Nicholas Adams. Kemudian tentang Future Muslim-Christian Engagement dibawakan oleh Prof. Dr Allamah Abdallahi Ould Boye; Revd Prof. Christian Troll, SJ; Revd Dr Mindawati Perangin-angin dan H.E. Dr Abd Al-Aziz Al-Tweijri. Sesi terakhir yang bertemakan Responding to the Conference and Looking Ahead dibawakan oleh Prof. Dr Abderrahmane Taha, Professor Oddbjorn Leirvik; Revd Dr Daniel Madigan, SJ dan Prof. Dr Aref Ali Nayed.
Selasa, 11 November 2008
Are you ready for CHANGE?
Walaupun Dalam pidato kemenangannya Obama telah mengaklamasikan:
“If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible; who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time; who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer,”
Dan Thomas L. Friedman menafsirkan kemenangan ini dengan pernyataan:
“Let every child and every citizen an every new immigrant know that from this day forward everything really is possible in
namun lihatlah email yang saya terima hari ini, 11/11/08, “Re: Obama, I am still almost in shock.”
Pernyataan ini masih didengungkan setelah seminggu Obama dinyatakan sebagai pemenang dalam pemilihan presiden Amerika yang ke 44. Pernyataan ini datang dari seorang professor berkulit hitam yang mengajar di
Sastrawati hitam Tony Morrison dari
Hidup dalam konteks kepelbagaian, Amerika masih “the best among the worse,” diantara negara-negara kulit putih kaya lainnya di dunia. Amerika terbuka terhadap segala hal, walau belum tentu diterima secara mayoritas. Mimpinya Pdt Dr Martin Luther King Jr (I have a dream) terealisasi, tepat sekitar empat-puluhan tahun yang lalu (1964-2008), ia juga menyatakan,” I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight that we, as a people will get to the promised land. Selama waktu yang dibutuhkan
Pdt Jessy Jackson melelehkan airmata menyaksikan pidato kemenangan Obama yang disaksikan dan dirayakan di Harlem dan Time square
Simaklah pernyataan seorang kulit putih yang diwawancarai oleh New York Times (NYT 9/11/08, section: The Nation, 3): “ For a long time, I couldn’t ignore the fact that he was black, if you know what I mean,” Mr. Sinitski, the heating and air conditioning technician told me. “I am not proud of that, but I was raised to think that there aren’t good black people out there. I could see that he was highly intelligent, and that matters to me, but my instinct was still to go with the white guy.” Namun akhirnya tuan Sinitski toch memilih Obama karena pilihan atas Palin sangat tidak tepat dalam kondisi Amerika yang seperti ini.
Satu lagi saya kutip wawancara NYT dengan Tina Davis diartikel yang sama agar pembaca mengerti bagaimana masih kentalnya rasisme di Amerika. Dituliskan: she (Tina) said she had endless conversation with constituents who said they would not vote for Obama. “Most of them couldn’t give me a real answer why,” she said. “I had some of them reciting those stupid emails saying he was a Muslim. I’m pretty blunt. I would just say to them, “you’re against him because he’s black.”
Selain situasi ekonomi yang memang parah, pemilih muda baik dari kalangan hitam, Spanish,
Apa yang patut disimak dari kemenangan Obama ini? Hal yang mendasar adalah kalangan muda, sekitar 40 tahun ke bawah tidak terlalu berpegang pada prinsip primordial yang berbau ras, agama, gender dan suku. Kalangan ini lebih terbuka, realistis, berani mengambil resiko, dan penuh gairah pengharapan ke depan. Isu ekonomi dan pengganguran, asuransi kesehatan, pendidikan, perang Irak adalah isu yang real bagi mereka dari pada masalah aborsi, gay dan lesbian.
Obama cukup realistis melihat kalangan ini, sehingga dikatakannya dalam pidato kemenangannya, “ I know you didn't do this just to win an election and I know you didn't do it for me. You did it because you understand the enormity of the task that lies ahead.”
Kenyataan ini patut dipelajari oleh partai partai dan orang-orang yang akan maju bertarung dalam pemilihan di Indonesia. Apakah ini berarti bahwa:
- Kita menuju pada ketidaktertarikan pada partai politik yang memprioritaskan isu seperti yang didengungkan Sarah Palin? (bagaimana dengan UU Pornografi yang baru diputuskan yang mengatur warga negara seperti anak kecil dan tidak tahu berpikir/ don’t know how to think?).
- Partai politik yang berlandaskan keagamaan harus mulai mengangkat masalah social, ekonomi dan lingkungan.
- Partai politik harus mulai berani memajukan calon-calon yang berlawanan atas persyaratan primordial (tidak berdarah biru, tidak jawa, tidak jendral, tidak di atas 55 tahun, tidak anak mantan presiden, dlsb).
Lihatlah bagaimana demokrat berani memunculkan calon perwakilan minoritas: Obama hitam dan muda, Hillary seorang perempuan. Namun keduanya cerdas, berpendidikan, mempunyai visi dan misi dan yang paling penting memiliki fighting spirit yang positif.
Menggunakan hak pilih juga perlu diingatkan pada masyarakat
So, sekarang Obama telah menjadi presiden yang terpilih, Thomas Friedman menuliskan:
“Obama will always be our first black president, but can he be one of our few great presidents (NYT 5/11/08/A35)?” Jawabannya, wait and see!
Mindawati Perangin angin
Rabu, 29 Oktober 2008
Demam Pemilihan Presiden Amerika
Enough is Enough (sudah cukuplah!), komentar itu banyak yang menjadi jawaban dari orang-orang yang saya tanya komentarnya atas pemilihan presiden yang memang telah memakan waktu yang cukup lama dan jelas juga pasti membutuhkan uang yang banyak. Kedua kubu, Demokrat dan Republik berupaya mengumpulkan uang sebanyak mungkin untuk mensponsori kampanyenya, dari iklan di TV sampai pembelian baju Palin yang menghabiskan 150 ribu Dolar yang menjadi sorotan media beberapa hari yang lalu.
Selama di Eropah, nampak bahwa Obama mendapat dukungan yang besar. Masih ingat ketika Jerman dan beberapa negara lain di Eropah, kecuali Inggeris, memboikot Amerika dengan tidak membeli Cocacola dan produk Amerika lainnya beberapa waktu yang lalu? Nampak bahwa Negara-negara di Eropah sudah tidak tertarik dengan Kebijaksanaan Bush. Wartawan Die Welt yang berpusat di
- Calon dari Demokrat yang dikalahkannya adalah perempuan. Kedua calon dari democrat sebenarnya adalah perwakilan minoritas.
- Kebijaksanaan Bush akan Irak dan financial krisis yang ada membuat republican terpecah antara yang moderat dan konservatif.
- Persamaan hak yang diperjuangkan kaum perempuan di Amerika sejak tahun 70, tadinya dipikirkan akan mencapai puncaknya di kemenangan Hillary. Ternyata gagal. Mayoritas perempuan pendukung Hillary berusia 40 ke atas, kaum muda mayoritas memihak ke Obama. Dalamnya laut bisa diduga, dalamnya hati siapa tau. Kita tidak tahu apakah kelompok ini akan memakai prinsip, “apapun partainya, asal perempuan”
- Rasisme masih kental di Amerika. Apakah orang Amerika sudah siap dipimpin seorang muda kulit hitam? Seberapa besar populasi moderat dan liberal di Amerika? Media besar, seperti New York Times, Washington Post adalah Left wings, dan berita mereka banyak dikutip oleh the Guardian, Inggeris dan lainnya, tapi lain pikiran media lain pilihan orang banyak.
- Krisis ekonomi yang melanda Amerika sekarang sangat merugikan kubu republican karena presiden kini adalah Bush dari Republikan. Kesempatan ini digunakan Obama untuk mencecar Mccain yang pasti akan melanjutkan kebijaksanan ekonomi Bush.
Mendukung poin di atas dibawah ini akan dipaparkan komentar dua orang republican dan dua democrat yang saya jumpai dan keempatnya Kristen, kulit putih dan berpendidikan sedikitnya Sarjana.
Yang pertama republican, kulit putih, keturunan Inggeris, Laki-laki, 65 tahun tinggal di Virginia. Ia dengan tegas mengatakan bahwa ada kesamaan antara Obama dan Palin yaitu keduanya belum berpengalaman, thus they are at the same boat. Jika Obama jadi Presiden Amerika, mau dibawa kemana Negara ini?
Yang kedua, Demokrat, kulit putih, laki-laki, 70 tahun tinggal di
Yang ketiga, Democrat, perempuan, kulit putih, 75 tahun, tinggal di
Yang keempat, Republican, laki-laki, kulit putih, 60 tahun,
Ini yang hendak mau saya katakan akan terjadi banyak swing voters yaitu orang-orang yang tidak memilih berdasarkan kepartaiannya, tetapi berdasarkan berbagai factor yang telah kami tunjukkan diatas, sehingga sangat memungkinkan akan muncul banyak swing state, factor ini dimunculkan oleh harian USA Today hari ini (28 Oct) juga New York Times.
Lalu bagaimana?
Hingga hari ini, 28 Oktober menjelang tengah malam, waktu Amerika bagian Timur, dalam poll yang kami lihat, Obama menang tipis sekitar 9-10 persen dari Mc. Cain.
Mindawati Perangin angin
28 Oktober 08,
Kamis, 23 Oktober 2008
Tulisan ini dimuat dalam Harian Kompas 22 Desember 2004
Is the Ideology of the Male a Source Which Distorts the Harmony of the Whole of Creation and the Relationship Between Human Beings and The Creator?
Is the Ideology of the Male a Source Which Distorts the Harmony of the Whole of Creation and the Relationship Between Human Beings and The Creator?
Actually I was asked to write a paper on justice and woman in the Bible. Certainly the appearance of injustice will be found in many places explicitly and implicitly if the position and experience of woman is explored in the Bible. It is natural. For the Bible is a product of the Male way of thinking and life. Unfortunately it seems to be universalized and becomes almost an established ideology.
Moreover, the Bible is understood as a book of instruction/guide for life, or even as a holy book. Thus it helps to transform the male ideology into universal faith. Whoever and wherever people only know and are familiar with the male faith experience with God. There is a tendency to assume that all people are supposed to receive this as part of their experience as well, though women are the majority of the faithful members of the church and themselves do not know about men and their ways.
Unfortunately there was a command to canonize the Bible, so that there was no chance to have the women’s view in what we call the Bible. The canonical system, in many places, also lifts up the authority of the bible to be absolute. Of course this status contributes much in the spreading of the male ideology all over the world. Regrettably, not many men who know that this is the case are willing to do take action. Why? Because if the Bible is to be deconstructed and reconstructed, this will Impact not only the Bible and church institutions but also all established structures and relationships in the world. Surely men would not like this to happen for they have been used to the privilege of the male ideology’s domination. Therefore there is no other way except for women as individuals or as a group/community to proclaim the Bible’s identity and to find a way to articulate, understand and explain the authority of the Bible.
Men’s Understanding of the Image of Women as Seen in The Bible
After exploring men’s conception of women in the Hebrew Bible, Phyllis Bird concludes that in general woman is placed inferior to men. Her function is more to produce children and act as men’s complement. A wife is considered a man’s possession, like others, such as children, animals, house, land, etc. In the Hebrew Bible’s laws, women are not recognized, though in Proverbs and in the Historical Writings there are images that woman is intelligent, and can either break or make a man.[i]
However still the criteria is based on the male point of view. Therefore it is very difficult to draw some conclusions about the image of woman in the Hebrew Bible. Perhaps there were many brave, intelligent, independent and wise women out there, but they had no power nor chance to be seen. This can be seen in the strong effort by men to reduce or even to banish the role of women in the beginning of Exodus story. Could Israel ever have existed without the role of Miriam, her mother and Pharaoh’s daughter? [ii] Would there be Christianity in Karo land Indonesia if Jesus had not appeared on the resurrection day to women?[iii]
Domination is a Root to Destroy the Harmony and Interrelatedness of Creation, and to Damage the Relationship Between Humans and God.
Domination[iv] is part of the male character. Thus, it is not surprising if other parts of creation outside of men himself have to be inferior and less and if there is a strong tendency to posses. Men need to proclaim themselves, therefore power and status is important for him to be himself. Possession is one way to show his power and authority, and woman is one of his possessions. Domination usually is interrelated with possessiveness in man, and its nature is to ruin the wholeness of creation and the relationship between humans and God.
Genesis 2:4b-3:15 J, the writer of Gen 2:4b-3:15 expresses male domination in putting Adam to naming the animals and the woman.[v] Adam also is the one who decides to chose the woman to be his match,[vi] his equal helper,[vii] in helping him to produce future generations. Moreover, male domination strongly is stressed in the implementation of Yahweh’s punishment for human disobedience in Gen 3:1-15. In this case, snake and the earth are cursed, woman has always to be in pain while doing her role to produce children, and she will be always under male authority.[viii] While men have to suffer to put the bread on the table. Apparently, male ideology is a form of Yahweh’s punishment.[ix] In this case I agree with the radical feminist suggestion
which is stated by Ynesta King.
“… the subordination of women in society is the root of oppression, closely related to the association of women with nature…. Men identify women with nature and seek to enlist both in the service of male “projects” designed to make men safe from feared nature and mortality.”[x]
This can be seen in the way J designs the form of punishment to the woman and man in
Gen 3: . Therefore talking and exploring injustice with regard to women in the Bible cannot be separated from talking about the injustices suffered by other parts of creation. And it turns out that we all still live in the form of Yahweh’s punishment. The creator knows that humans can not live without food. Therefore when humans disobey Yahweh, Yahweh destroys the earth. In this case the land is cursed (Gen 3:17, see also Gen 4:11; 5:29). So every living being’s food is taken from the earth. The same phenomenon is found in the flood story in Gen 8:21. Yahweh has to destroy the earth and everything in it for man’s great wickedness (Gen 6:5-7). Therefore no one part of creation bear its own punishment/blessing from its creator for its own disobedience. Because of one part’s disobedience, all creation becomes shaky. No one part of creation is able to live by and for itself. All creation is supposed to operate interrelatedly. Usually other parts of creation are in solidarity with the human condition. Even sometimes they become victims of the human attitude. Therefore humans can not live without other parts of creation. More on this phenomenon will be explained below.[xi]
The words radah[xii] and kabasy[xiii] in Gen 1:26,28 are understood by Lynn White as having a colonialistic understanding. Thus he blames these two words as providing a ground for the present ecological crisis.[xiv] I think there is no need to blame the words, instead, it is the male ideology. It is proper to blame the male ideology for the present ecological crisis and the damaged relationship between humans and God. Thus I think to restore and maintain the wholeness of creation and the relationship of humans and God, we need to deconstruct and reconstruct the whole established structure in the world. Is this a Utopian way? I don’t think so. However even longer time is required and courage for people who are able to proclaim something different is needed to achieve the goal above. Different voices apparently echo in the Bible, such as in Gen 1:1-2:4a; and the two eschatological texts in Hos 2:20-24 and Isa 11:6-9.
P’s creation story in Gen 1:1-2:4a
P divides the creation story into six days of activity concluding with a day of divine rest. After creating some of the divisions of time and space, on the third day Elohim creates two categories of vegetation: plants yielding seeds, and trees bearing fruit with seed in it, each according to its kinds. In this process the earth has the role of bringing forth the vegetation.
After creating the lights of the sky, on the fifth day Elohim commanded the water to bring forth living creatures in the water (the great sea creatures and everything that swarms in the sea), along with the appearance of the creatures in the sky (every winged bird), each according to its kind. Then Elohim blessed them and pronounced them good. On day six, Elohim created the land animals and humans. As with the vegetation, the earth still has a function in bringing forth the land animals, which are categorized as cattle, everything that creeps on the ground, and beasts of the earth. The sequence seems to be based on the character of encounter with the animals in ordinary life.
Then as the climax, P specifically emphasizes the different character of the creation of humans in Gen 1:26-28. Here P states that humans are created in accordance with Elohim’s image and likeness. Moreover, humans are given a role, i.e., the responsibility of ruling over the animals and subduing the earth. Again a blessing is given, this time to people, together with the command to be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth. In addition, humans have an additional command, to “subdue” the earth. Then Elohim points out that both humans and animals are to consume the plants as their diet. In the above sequences, P distinguished the creation of plants, animals, and humans.
For the creation of plants in Gen 1:11-12, and of land animals in Gen 1:24-5, Elohim assigned the earth to be intermediary. Meanwhile for the water animals in Gen 1:20, Elohim delegates their generation to the sea. Only with the creation of humans, does Elohim create directly, indeed in Elohim’s image and likeness. Though P indicates that plants and animals were not created directly by Elohim, P considers them to be parts of creation which have their own identity. This can be seen in how P divides the plants and animals based on their place and kind, and how P uses the repetition of “each according to its kind”. Besides emphasizing the existence of each part of creation, P also stresses the interrelationship among them. P states that on the first day Elohim created the light and the dark, which is day and night. On the second day, Elohim creates the sky and water. On the third day water is divided into two spaces: the dry land which is called the earth, and the sea. On the same day, after creating the dry land, the vegetation was created. As we know, plants need land, water and light to live. Therefore the basic needs of plants were created first, then Elohim created the plants. Later Elohim created the individual lights, sun, the moon and the stars. These joining the light and the dark from the first day, are the sources for the determination of time. The sky, water and earth are the source for defining space. Plants, animals and human are limited by space and time. On the fifth and sixth day Elohim created water animals and birds, the land animals, and human beings. P explicitly states that the vegetation, created on the third day, and the land animals created on the sixth day, have a relationship with the dry land or the earth which was also established on the third day. The water animals which were created on the fifth day have a relationship with the water which was limited and named on the third day.
Meanwhile only humans are described as having a direct relationship with Elohim. Though P marks the existence of animals and plants and also the interrelationship among the parts of creation, P purposely expresses the special status of humans who are created in the image of Elohim. There is no explicit statement that the plants and animals are created for the sake of humans. Instead, the content and structure of Gen 1:1-2:4, clearly shows that every part of creation comes about in a seemingly logical sequence.
The status as “created in Elohim’s image” can not be separated from the role of humans in ruling over the animals and subduing the earth. These two are one. Most scholars recognize that P does not fully explain the meaning of “image of Elohim.” However based on the structure and content of Gen 1:26-28, it is understood that P emphasizes more the consequences of being in the image of Elohim, that is to rule (radah) over animals and subdue (kabasy) the earth.
Though scholars[xv] have some differences of understanding about it, all agree that the ultimate power/subject in this case is Elohim as creator. P is concerned that “something” has to manage/maintain the goodness of the earth and everything in it. Thus P combines the concept of status (created in Elohim’s image) and function of humans to rule over the animals and subdue the earth. These two understandings can not be separated.
The way I see the structure and content of P, the creation is not based on a strictly hierarchical system nor on authority without responsibility, but on sustaining the mutual relationships within creation. Within the structure of creation, the physical world, P focuses on the plants, animals and human structures, based on the need of every creature to be in a relationship of harmony. Note that the humans and animals eat only vegetation. The emphasis that only humans are crated directly by Elohim, and in Elohim’s image, has to do with P’s understanding that there has to be one who can serve as the “local” manager of the earth and everything in it. P frequently emphasizes that every part of creation is good, even very good, thus P needs a “representative” or someone in the right “relationship” who has to be related to Elohim as a creator, so as to take care of the whole creation. Of course the goal is to maintain the situation as it is, i.e., very good. So we know in this case woman and man work together as caretakers of the earth,[xvi] and they have a peaceful relationship with animals, for all of them are vegetarian.
However this stage has vanished. After the flood that was caused by kal basar (humans and animals) who created hamas (oppression; injustice and unrighteousness),[xvii] Elohim, the creator, revises criteria for the parts of creation, in Gen 9. To hold the original criteria in Gen 1-2:4a where the whole creation is very good is impossible. No more peace. Hamas every where. Therefore since the post-flood era, humans are eligible to eat meat (Gen 9:3), as long there is no blood in it, for life is in the blood, and life belongs to God.
In the Hebrew Bible, humans and animals are considered as living beings, plants not included. And there is no license for living beings to take the life of another living being. Consequently there is a tension always between humans and animals (Gen 9:2,5), and among humans themselves (Gen 9:5). In the post-flood era the status of animals is under human oppression for they have permission to kill them as food, therefore there is always a tension between them. However still Elohim owns the creation. The animals’ blood can not be eaten, for life is in it, and its life belongs to the creator. However no one can take a human life except the creator, for the status of humans created in Elohim’s image is preserved. Therefore, there is still hope whether humans want to do the right thing or not! But Elohim has anticipated already that, if humans cannot perform according to their status, Elohim will never destroy the earth anymore, for it is a promise in Elohim’s covenant with the living beings (Gen 9: 8-17.)
Hosea 2:20-24 (ET 2:18-22)[xviii]
In the book of Hosea, Yahweh is not the one who destroys (cf. Hos 11:9). Even though Yahweh had been angered by Israel’s attitude, and announces punishment to the people (Hos 2:11-15; ET 2:9-13), all these plans and feelings are melted by the compassionate love which Yahweh has for Israel. Laken hineh in 2:16 (ET 2:14) is used by Hosea to mark the changing attitude of Yahweh. Instead of making Israel’s life miserable with punishment, the compassionate Yahweh tries to persuade Israel to remain in their “marriage” relationship. (Hos 2:16-19; ET 2:14-17). As a result of this expected reconciliation, Yahweh will do two things: Yahweh will make a covenant , for the people with 1/ the wild animals, the birds, and creeping things (cf Hos 2:14/ET 2:12; 5:14; 13:7-8) and 2/ the bow, the sword and warfare will be abolished (“broken”) from the earth.
The text does not state what kind of covenant this is nor does it describe how the covenant will be made; only that this covenant will be made for the benefit of the people of Israel (though the animals would also benefit somewhat from the cessation of warfare). The purpose of the covenant is to make Israel able to lie down securely. The using of hiphil form for syakav and the adverbial labetah emphasizes that the security the Israelites will have comes from Yahweh
who will act according to the promise.[xix]
Scholars assume that the effect of the covenant between Yahweh and animals ensures the animals and human beings have a good relationship.[xx]
It is clear in Hosea 1-2 that the relationship between Yahweh and Israel is in serious trouble. The analogy of marriage points to “a mutual commitment;” they belong to each other. In this case, Israel is the unfaithful partner, Israel does not know her husband, Yahweh (Hos 4:1,6; 5:4; 6:3,6). Knowing Yahweh here refers to acknowledging the sovereignty of Yahweh who is the almighty and is the source of everything (Hos 2:10/ET 2:8). Yahweh responds to Israel’s betrayal with understanding, compassionate love. Yahweh’s love for Israel will initiate a transformed relationship, in which Israel will “know” Yahweh (Hos 2:21-22/ET 19-20). At that time Israel will “know” Yahweh and a true relationship between them will come about.
Thus by using the terrace pattern, Hosea proclaims that Yahweh will “answer/respond to” the heavens and the heavens will answer the earth, and the earth will answer the grain, the new wine, and the fresh oil, and they all will answer Jezreel. As a result there will be enough food for Israel, a gift from Yahweh (cf. Hos 2:10,11,14,17). Hos 2:20-24 indicates, therefore that when Yhwh brings about the transformed relationship between Yhwh and Israel, Israel will not need to fear the animals (cf. Hos 2:11b; 5:14;13:7-8)[xxi], war (2:20), or the lack of food (2:23-24).
This is a remarkable declaration of the interdependence among all parts of creation which can not be separated from the interrelationship between the creature and the creator (Yahweh-animals-humans-in Hos 2:20, and Humans-plants-humans in Hos 2:24). The well-being of the interrelationships among the parts of creation cannot be separated from the well-being of the relationship between Humans and YAHWE; these two aspects are interrelated.[xxii] This interrelationship also can be seen in Hosea’s statement of the consequences if Israel does not know Humans: there will be chaos on earth (Hos 4:3).
Isa 11:6-9[xxiii]
V. 6 indicates the idea of togetherness among the animals. The subject in both lines one and two is the wild and powerful animals, while the object of the preposition is the weak domestic animals which are usually prey for the wild animals. However, here they are pictured as living together. Even more they are not living together but also their young feed themselves together. The climax of this stanza indicates that a young child shall lead them. The harmonious relationship among animals expands to humans, since a young child shall shepherd them. Again, a human- indeed even a child-is portrayed as a leader of the animals (Cf. Gen 1:26,28).
The central idea in v.7 is still the harmonious relationship between the animals such as the cow and the bear. And this peace situation is transmitted to their offspring. The vegetarian idea appears as inclusion (Cf. Gen 1:31, humans and animals are vegetarian). So there will be no conflict for no one part of creation preys on another.[xxiv] v.8 indicated that the enmity which Yhwh Elohim put between the snake and the humans no longer exists (cf. Gen 3:14-15)
Therefore, Isa 11:6-8 points to a harmonious relationship among animals and also between animals and human beings.[xxv] This concept is supported and declared in the last stanza of this section of the poetry (v.9): They shall not hurt or destroy in my holy mountain For the earth shall be full of the knowledge of Humans As the waters cover the sea.
Like Hosea, Isaiah also understands that peace among living beings (humans and animals) cannot be separated from the well-being of the relationship between the creation and the Creator, “for the earth shall be full of knowledge of Yahweh. This statement implies a drastic change for Isaiah, who had claimed that Israelites do not know Yahweh (Isa 1:3; 6:9). Thus, at that time, there is a harmony of interrelationship among the living beings and also between humans and Yahweh.
Though the picture of harmony in the whole of creation and with the Creator is more detailed in the P creation story than in the eschatological texts in Hosea 2:20-24 and Isa 11:6-9, the three texts indicate together the interrelatedness of all creation.
Claiming kal basar (humans and animals) as a source of hamas in Gen 6 by P, is supported by these two eschatological texts which indicates that there is violence among the animals.
The three texts agree that food is an important factor. Plant, land, rain and some animals will be used by Yhwh to punish living beings for their disobedience. One creation disobey Yhwh, all creation will suffer for it. Food also as a factor of violence when living beings consume meat.
The three of them agree that the most important factor is humans know God, so their relationship will be good, and it will expand to the whole of creation. Therefore to be created in the image of God, is so important for humans. Thus though Yhwh revised some of Yhwh’s criteria for Yhwh’s creations in Gen 9, Yhwh did not revise the status of humans as being created in the image of God.
[i]See: Phyllis Bird,” Image of Women in the Old Testament,” in Religion And Sexism. Ed. By: Rosemary Radford Ruether, New York: Simon Schuster, 1974, 41-88
[ii] See: Phyllis Trible, “Subversive Justice: Tracing the Miriamic traditions,” in Justice and The Hoy, 99-109.
[iii] It is no coincidence that Jesus’ first appreance after his resurrection is to the women (Matt 28:1-10). If Jesus’ context was in Karo land and he showed himself to Karo men, I can say that the story of Jesus’ resurrection would have been kept in the coffee shop where Chess and cards are more important. However Jesus’ first appearance is to women who are active in every segment of society, so the resurrection story is spoken in the market, in the field, at the river, at the well, in the kitchen, at school, every where!
[iv] Cf. Ynesta King who took Murray Bookdun’s idea in The Ecology Of Freedom (Palo:Alto, Ca: Cheshire Books, 1982) in her article “Healing The Wounds: Feminism, Ecology and the Nature/Culture Dualism in Reweaving The World, 107.
[v] Cf. Gordon Wenham, Genesis 1-15. WBC. Texas: Word Book Publisher, 1987, 70; David Clines, What Does Eve Do to Help? Sheffield: SOT Press, 1990, 39; Nahum Sarna, Genesis, The JPS Commentary, 21-23.
[vi] The use of hafaam followed by the statement of the man, “bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh,” indicates his emotional happiness and excitement (like: “eureka”) . Now finally the man finds his match, cf. Westermann, Genesis 1-11, 229-232.
[vii] Ezer kenegdo is used to highlight the superiority of women by Phyllis Trible for most often ezer is applied to Yhwh, either as a helper or with reference to the help that comes from Yhwh, see Trible’s view in God and the . However in this case I follow Clines who says that help in this matter, ezer means to help men to produce future generations, see. David Clines, 35-37.
[viii] Masal is a verb which is used with a special subject, who has the power to lead/guide and to take care of. This verb is applied to God in Pss 22:29; 59:14;89:10; 103:19; judg 8:3; Isa 63:19; 2 Chr 20:6; Job 25:2) to the king in Isa 19:4; Jer 22:30; to the expectation of Messiah in Mic 5:2; to sin in Gen 4:7 and to the heavenly bodies in Gen 1:18.
[ix] Cf. Nahum Sarna, 28.
[x] See: Ynesta King, 109-110.
[xi] Ruether considers this as Ecofeminism which she understands as bringing together ecology and feminism in their full form, and she explores how male domination of woman and of nature are interconnected, both in cultural ideology and in social structure, see: Rosemary R. Ruether, Gaia and God. (New York: Harper Collins, 1992), 3.
[xii] The word radah is used in Ezek 29:15; 34:4; Lev 25:34,46,53; 26:17; Isa 14:2; 1 Kings 5:4; 9:23; 2 chr 8:10; Num 28:19; Pss 49:15;72:8;110:2; Jer 5:31 and Neh 9:28. Using the sematics approach, I found that this verb is used in sentence in which the subject has more power than the object . The verb itself does not determine whether the subject of the verb uses power in negative or positive way. The verb is a neutral one, just indicating that the object of the verb is under the power of the subject. Cf. Barr, Man And Nature, 62-66.
[xiii] The same as radah, kabasy here is also neutral verb.
[xiv] See Lynn White, “The historical roots of our ecological crisis,” in Ecology and Religion in History, Ed. David and Eileen Spring (New York: Harper and Row, 1974)15-31, see also response to his article by James Barr in “Man in Nature,” Ecology and Religion in History; B. W. Anderson, From Creation to New Creation: An Old Testament Perspective, OBT (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1994); Steck, World and Environment, 198.
[xv] Scholars understand the meaning of “created in the image of God based on “analogical” and “consequential” relationships. Some point to humans as Elohim’s representatives (Von Rad, Jacob, Schmidt ) or point to the “relationship between Elohim and humans (Vriezen, Barr, Westermann and Sarna); or point to humans and Elohim having a dialogue and a knowledgeable-relationship (Eichrodt).
[xvi] Cf the idea of all humankind is entitled to glory and honor from and honor from God in Ps 8:6.
[xvii] See Cassuto, Genesis 2, 52; B. Jacob, Genesis, 48 and Sarna, Genesis, 51.
[xviii] Who wrote the text is still debated among scholars. Mays thinks it is possibly from Hosea, see James Luther Mays, Hosea, OTL (Philadelphia:Westminster Press, 1969) 47; while others consider it was composed later by a redactor, see Gale Yee, Composition and Tradition in the Book of Hosea: A Redaction Critical Investigation (Atlanta Scholar Press, 1987) 86,88, 142-43, 316-17; Martin Buss, The Prophetic Word of Hosea (Berlin: Verlag Alfred Topelmann, 1969) 33,72, 109; Andersen and Freedman, Hosea, 57-58; Jacob Myers, The Book of Hosea (Richmond: John Knox Press, 1959) 7. Based on the fact that the idea and language in v.20 are old, I think it was composed by Hosea.
[xix] Lev 25:18,19; 26:5;Ezek 28:26; 34:25,28; 38:8,11,14; 39:6,26; Job 11:18; Isa 47:8; Jer 32:37; 49:31.
[xx] See Vriezen, An Outline, 223; S.A Cook, The Old Testament A Reinterpretation (London: Cambridge W. Heffer&sons, 1963) 107, 163.
[xxi] See also Isa 30:23-25; Jer 29:17-8; 31:12; 32:24;38:2; 42:22; 44:12; Amos 9:13-15; Joel 2:19,24,26.
[xxii] Cf. Wolff, Hosea, 69.
[xxiii] Scholars have had differing views about the content of Isa 11:6-9. Some say that the change pictured in the passage is only a symbolic one, see Edward Kissane, The Book of Isaiah, 136; Others think that it can be understood in a literal way, but that it does not come from the original prophets, see George B. Gray, The Book of Isaiah 1-39, 214; Still others view it as composed by Isaiah of Jerusalem and to be understood in its literal meaning, see George A. Smith, The Book of Isaiah 1-31, 136,183; Skinner, Isaiah 1-39, 104;Wildberger, Isaiah 1-12, 462-69.
[xxiv] Cf. Solomon B. Freehof, Book of Isaiah, 77.
[xxv] Therefore most scholars take Isa 11:6-8 as portraying a situation in which peace exists. This situation is called paradise by some scholars, see Franz Delitzsch, The Prophecies of Isaiah, 282,85; Georg Fohrer, Das Buch Jesaja, 154-55; Johan Fischer, Das Buch Isaias, 103-4; August Dilmann, Jesaja, 118-19;Kaiser, Isaiah 1-12; R.E. Clement, Isaiah 1-39,14.
This paper is presented at the CCA Meeting in Chiang Mai 2002.